These amazing tittles are written by the Founder of Immanuel. Yours truly. We wanted to ensure we could help in every way possable, so we decided to write about the things we do and teach. We hope that these books add valuse to your life and much more. Peace Gods and Goddesses!
"Earth To Skin" A Guide To Natural Skin Remedies By: PATRICK JOHNSON
As a young 36 year old male from Arkansas and suffering from Keratosis Pilaris (KP) which is a common skin condition. I grew up not knowing about the importance of skin care and Natural Remedies. This book is the beginners guide to understanding how to heal, rejuvenate and revitalize your skin.
The Spiritual Path to Mental Resilience Written By: PATRICK JOHNSON
As a young 9 year old. I was already deep into what most people call “street life”. Yeah I know, right? I tell people that what I went through as a kid made me the man I am today. As per usual, they don't quite understand how that could be possible. They don't understand the fact that I learned how to process trauma, and find myself sooner than “most” people. I lived a life that pushed me to go inside of myself and figure it out A.S.A.P. With that came resilience and understanding. You will find that this book is just what you needed to grow on your path to spiritual resilience. I'm not perfect by a long shot, but I'm at peace in ways you may never know. This peace has also helped me find my purpose. All because I made a conscious decision to believe in myself. Even to the point that I challenge myself spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally everyday. That's Resilience…
The Spiritual Path to Mental Resilience Written By: PATRICK JOHNSON
As a young 9 year old. I was already deep into what most people call “street life”. Yeah I know, right? I tell people that what I went through as a kid made me the man I am today. As per usual, they don't quite understand how that could be possible. They don't understand the fact that I learned how to process trauma, and find myself sooner than “most” people. I lived a life that pushed me to go inside of myself and figure it out A.S.A.P. With that came resilience and understanding. You will find that this book is just what you needed to grow on your path to spiritual resilience. I'm not perfect by a long shot, but I'm at peace in ways you may never know. This peace has also helped me find my purpose. All because I made a conscious decision to believe in myself. Even to the point that I challenge myself spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally everyday. That's Resilience…